Monday, April 20, 2009

Lots To Do

Lots going on in the yard now. Bulbs are popping in earnest, buds are swelling and opening, grass is growing. There is a lot you can do now to make the spring better and promote lots of new growth. All ornamental grasses should be cut back to the ground. The old top growth is just in the way. You should see the buds on your roses now. Cut them back to remove anything that died back over winter. If you don't see any buds cut them down pretty low and watch for new growth. Dead wood on roses is dark brown and not green like live wood. Spirea and Potentilla get a good cutting now too. You can cut them back to about 6 inches. Remove any dead branches on evergreens. If it's brown now it's not coming back. Last years perennials get cut back to the ground now too. It's also a good time to apply any pre-emergent to the beds. Doing this now will promote new growth, clean things up and make late spring more enjoyable.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

From here on out it's fast and furious. If you were smart and planted bulbs last fall you will be starting to see things. In cooler areas of the yard they are just coming up. Warmer hillsides are full of colors. Every week things will change. It goes fast. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Exhibit Info

Artist reception: Friday, April 17th, 6-9

Saturday, April 18th noon-3