Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Slideshow

I know this is the landscape side of my world home, blank walls? I just put this slide show together to show some of my latest work. I love it and I hope you do too. Enjoy.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Winter Notes From McKay Nursery Company

December Landscape and Garden Notes from McKay Nursery Company

“Last chance to beat the weather"
By Tim Flood

Not much left to do in the yard anymore, except to plan for next year. Now is the absolute best time for your local McKay Representative to come over and measure you up for a new side or back yard, or maybe you are ready for a whole new you in the front as well – before the snow flies! Now is a great time for these professionals to put together a great new design for you.

Last chance to plant any spring flowering bulbs if your ground has not frozen yet. Plant them at the correct depth, and give them a drink of water, and forget them until spring.

Last chance to get that mulch around your rose bushes and Hydrangea macrophylla types. Don’t cut the rose canes; just mound the bottom with some mulch for great winter protection. Any extra mulch can be added to your perennial beds. Any evergreen branches from your Christmas tree can be placed over perennials or anything liking a bit more winter protection.

Lawn care is now done. Be careful not to walk on frozen turf without any snow cover, as it does damage the grass plants, so when installing Christmas lights or getting to your bird feeders, wait until the sun take the frost off, or go around the grass areas until you get some snow covering on those turf areas. You can run the gasoline out of your lawn equipment, or add fuel stabilizer to the tank. The newer formulation of gas does not last well in the tank.

Road salt is a killer for so many plants. If you use salt on your sidewalks or driveways, be sure to use it carefully…or maybe try using an alternative like sand or kitty litter, or maybe Milorganite fertilizer. Milorganite is black and attract the heat from the sun to melt the ice, and does not hurt any plants.

Heavy, wet snows on evergreens or other dense shrubs should be brushed off soon after it falls to prevent damaging the form of the plant. If you have topiaries or evergreens that you want to protect the form, you may want to use some twine to tighten up the shrub to help it stay in form if there is a snow load on it.

Some natural evergreens branches, Viburnum or Holly berries, and maybe some dried flowers can be put in window boxes or containers for Holiday decorations, and for the winter months. If the soil is already frozen, you can pour some warm water in the soil and then press the stems into the soil. Maybe you have a small evergreen or a deciduous tree that is the focal point in your back yard landscape that you should consider lighting to enjoy for the Holiday season? We see the lights in our back yard more than the ones in the front yard.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


December 2009


During the cold dark days of winter there is nothing more refreshing than planning for your spring planting season. Now is the best time to start making plans.

Right now, it’s time to think spring! Planning early saves you time, saves you money and gets you on the early schedules to get your work done during the best of the season, before the summer heat. It’s going to be a busy spring. Plan early.

Consider this: The biggest mistake a homeowner makes can with regard to landscaping, is not spending too much or too little,,,,but failing to plan properly.

My name is Jerry Cahak, and I’m your local McKay Nursery landscape designer and sales representative. I’ve been working in your area for the past 24 year and I would love the opportunity to sit down with you and show you how I can help.

Let me show you how to plan ahead and take advantage of HUGE savings. Whether you need a single tree, flowering shrubs, planters or a new walk or patio now is the time to sit down and begin the planning for your spring projects.

Plan ahead and save. On orders placed before February 1st you’ll receive:

Free Delivery
10% Discount on Spring 2010 plant material

Need a gift? How about a McKay Nursery gift Certificate?

Contact me for a free, no obligation consultation.


Jerry Cahak
Mckay Nursery Company

Phone: 414-778-0104

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

water water water....water water water

18 days without any good rain. You'll notice some trees starting to change now. That's a definite sign of dry soil. Plants are starting to shut down. You may notice early fall color, Hydrangeas browning up, flowers getting ugly. Water is VERY important RIGHT NOW. Not only is the water they get now important right now, it's the water the root systems will need over the winter to keep the plants alive. Without good water now and through winter plants may not survive to see spring.

That being said this is also the best time to be adding to your landscape. Soil temps are perfect. Cool nights and warm days mean the plants will take hold and come spring look awesome.

It's a little early for major pruning but it's certainly time to start cutting back some of the perennials and cleaning beds up.

Questions? Give me a call. 414-778-0104

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chilly Night Ahead

We have a could night ahead or just did depending on when you get this but in any case it will be cold again. Don't let it worry you. Soil temps are still great. Perfect for planting landscape plants and new lawns. There is a lot in full bloom like this Knockout Rose and lots still to come. Sedum are starting to flower and I've see Asters starting to get some color. I have been seeing lots of powdery mildue and the Asian Beetles are out in force. Mildue is something to address. Remove the affected leaves and get rid of them. The beetles are kinda cute. Controlling them is tough. Need help? call me at 414-778-0104

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Late summer is here

Feel that nice cool air at night? The next 8 to 12 weeks are awesome for getting things done in the yard. Lawns take really well. Plants respond incredibly well and then pop up early in spring. It's a great time to take care of plant problems and corrective pruning.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August Notes

Well it's nearly mid August. Have I mentioned that you need to be watering? There is a lot being done right now. Planting is in full gear. Lots of projects going in. With proper watering there is very little to worry about. You may see some stress but once the plants get going they will soar.

A little pruning can be done any time. Dead heading will encourage new flowers. Also people, if you have a plant or tree with some ugly out of place branch, cut it off. Don't listen to the "you can't prune now" people. Don't worry about cutting off some nice roses. In my opinion better to have a nice shaped plant and a couple fewer flowers.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer is in full swing

Summer is here and we just got some much needed rain. Not enough though. This is not a bad time to be planting and working in the yard. As a matter of fact it's a great time to get some plants established and enjoy the last half of summer. Proper mulching and watering are critical though. The mulch will keep water in the soil and keep soil temps more even. To water there is no substitute for hand watering. Sprinklers and irrigation systems just won't do it. Don't believe me? Set your sprinkler out and water for a good half hour. Then go out and see just how deeply the water has penetrated. Or after a rain do the same thing. The best way, and the most water efficient way, to water is to walk around with a hose and water each plant individually. Another way is to invest in soaker hoses. They will put the water just where it's needed. Plants need deep watering to establish deep roots. Water well at least once or twice a week and keep it up through fall.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


My second Gallery Night exhibit is coming up fast. If you like flowers or art in general you really need to stop by. I will have 8 all new, very large canvas prints on display. Stop by and see me.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pinch For New Growth

During this active growing month I am always pinching off new growth in areas that are full to let the areas that are a little lacking fill in. The more you pinch and prune the more you will get growth in areas that need it.

Keep your eyes open for larvae feeding on the candles (new growth) of Mugo Pine. They are very well adapted to hide there and very hard to see. When you do see them you'll be amazed at how many are there and how quickly they can clear a plant of it's growth. They are easy to kill though and any generic insect spray will work.

Water your trees.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Water, Water, Water

Plants need water. This is the time of year where damage begins that isn't seen till late summer and sometimes even fall. Established plants need an inch of water per week. An inch of water is not some rain one day last week. Next time it rains go out afterward and dig down a bit. You'll see how little actually gets to the roots of the plants. The best way to water is to soak the plants once or twice per week. A long slow soak.

New plants require a little more attention. Without an established root system they are more likely to be damaged by not enough water. If you aren't sure if they need water dig down a bit and feel the soil. It should be moist but not like mud.

Questions? Give me a call. 414-778-0104 or e-mail me

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lots To Do

We are in full spring in case you haven't noticed. I've been busy and not keeping up here. There is lots to do in your yard....besides cutting the grass.

All of your perennials should be up and growing. Some more than others. You should have cut off all of the old growth from last year to make room for the new stuff.

Roses should be showing new growth. Cut off all of the old stuff that isn't sprouting and died back over winter.

Mugo Pines are starting to candle. (that's the new growth) Now is a good time to prune the candles to control the amount of new growth. Take a good look at them.... a real close look. I saw my first little worms starting to eat away at them. They are small grey and black guys that need to be sprayed with insecticide.

Fluff up your mulch. Don't add more unless you are too thin in areas. Most of you can just take a rake and fluff it up to renew the color and make it last longer. It also helps keep some of the weeds from getting a foot hold.

Great time to plant. If you need help selecting plants or coming up with a great plan let me know.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lots To Do

Lots going on in the yard now. Bulbs are popping in earnest, buds are swelling and opening, grass is growing. There is a lot you can do now to make the spring better and promote lots of new growth. All ornamental grasses should be cut back to the ground. The old top growth is just in the way. You should see the buds on your roses now. Cut them back to remove anything that died back over winter. If you don't see any buds cut them down pretty low and watch for new growth. Dead wood on roses is dark brown and not green like live wood. Spirea and Potentilla get a good cutting now too. You can cut them back to about 6 inches. Remove any dead branches on evergreens. If it's brown now it's not coming back. Last years perennials get cut back to the ground now too. It's also a good time to apply any pre-emergent to the beds. Doing this now will promote new growth, clean things up and make late spring more enjoyable.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

From here on out it's fast and furious. If you were smart and planted bulbs last fall you will be starting to see things. In cooler areas of the yard they are just coming up. Warmer hillsides are full of colors. Every week things will change. It goes fast. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Exhibit Info

Artist reception: Friday, April 17th, 6-9

Saturday, April 18th noon-3

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It Has To Happen

So it has to happen. Fortunately snow in March, April and yes sometimes May isn't long lasting and actually helps water the new bulbs. The calendar doesn't lie though and the phones are ringing. It's a busy time of year. Time to plan your spring projects.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

OK Folks Don't Panic

March, April and sometimes May snow is the norm here. Wisconsin plants, especially those grown at McKay Nusery are perfectly adapted to this sort of temporary fluffy rain. From what I'm seeing bulbs are just starting to poke up and buds are starting to swell. Temporary snow and cold winds won't have much of an effect on things. We can even handle a cold snap. No worries.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Focus On Nature

I'm very excited to announce my first gallery show. I'll be showing along with Kristen Westlake at Light Ideas Gallery in Milwaukee .


"Focus on Nature"

Kristen Westlake
Jerry Cahak

Exhibition Opening:
Friday, April 17th and Saturday, April 18th, 2009
Ongoing thru May 18th.

Exhibition Times:
Artists Reception 6 pm to 9 pm (04/17), 12 pm to 3 pm (04/18)
Noon to 5:00 pm Thursday - Saturday and by Appointment
Please call 414-238-6888

Exhibition Review:
Nature simply does exactly what Nature is. In today's fast paced world our own Human Nature often gets lost in the shuffle, the hustle and the bustle of the things that we call life. The deadlines we "have to" make, the meetings we "have to" take, and the dates we dare not break are not the focus of life. If we take a look inside ourselves and focus we will find that we really are not simply what we do. I invite you and challenge you to take a few steps to the side each day. Step out of the "linear" trap. The linear path takes you from Point A to Point B but it never permits you to see beyond its blinders. Step out of the box and into a circle and you will focus differently. Instead of destinations you will see journeys. Instead of expectations you will see possibilities. Explore the places that these journeys and possibilities intersect. This intersection is your intrinsic nature - this is your life's purpose. When we focus on Nature we observe that Nature simply does what Nature is. Are you picturing clearly who you are?

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Spring has sprung. I see things pushing up through the ground. This morning I was awoken by Robins and Woodpeckers....and my dog barking at the paper delivery. I've been busy preparing people for planting and there are a couple of things I'm seeing.

You should have all of your perennials cut down now. Sedum are already starting to pop up. Cutting off the old growth makes them look better but also gets more sunlight to the plant and helps them along. Some Iris are starting to emerge also. A few more warm sunny days and you may start to see bulbs coming up. Get the dead leaves out of the beds and maybe even rake up the lawn.

Leave the Lilac, Forsythia, Rhodendron and other early flowering shrubs alone. Soon the buds will pop open and you'll be seeing flowers.

Cut back summer flowering shrubs like Spirea and Potentilla. Leave Spirea Snowmound alone though. They flower earlier and cutting them now will remove flowers. You can also neaten up the Yews if you didn't do it in the fall. After the new growth comes you will be cutting them again.

Landscape maintenance is like laundry. You can wait till you have nothing to wear and spend a weekend washing clothes or you can do a load every now and then. You can wait till the yard looks awful and spend a weekend working in the yard or you can do a little here and there. I recommend people taking a walk around with a pair of pruners before you cut the lawn. 15 minutes here and there will make a big difference in the overall look of the yard and save you lots of trouble down the road.

Here's my disclaimer......These are my opinions. I believe I'm right. This is based on 20 plus years in the field doing it and learning something new every day. Take it all with a grain of salt.

Questions? Drop me a line at or call me at 414-778-0104. I'm out in the neighborhoods every day but Sunday. I can stop by.

Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day Of Spring

It's finally here! It's really spring. The temps are cooler than we would like but the calendar doesn't lie. Lots of planning going on. The phones are ringing. If you started planning last fall or put things off let's meet next week and finalize things. In a few short weeks construction begins.

Later this spring look for video links here. I'm planning on doing short videos on planting, pruning and whatever else comes up. This is a new site and it's evolving every week. If you like photography check out my other blog at .

April computer screen calendar is done. If you would like me to e-mail you the file drop me a line.

Sorry for all of the end of week random thoughts.

Wasn't it nice to see dry dirt instead of mud?

Now is a good time to get out and do your spring clean ups and prune potentilla and spirea.

Questions? Drop me a line at or call me at 414-778-0104 I'm out in the neighborhoods every day but Sunday. I can stop by.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time To Prune

I'm seeing signs of spring everywhere. The Maples are breaking bud, the Robins are singing and the bulbs are popping in warmer areas. It's cold but that's not going to last long.

This weekend get out and start cleaning up the yard and getting ready. Get the pruners out and cut back any perennials you left up over winter like Sedum. Cut ornamental grasses down to as low as you can. Clean up the dead growth from last year on Hosta, Daylily, Iris and anything else you were too lazy to cut down in October when you should have. Cut summer flowering Spirea and Potentilla down to about 6 inches in height. Yes 6 inches. Those plants flower on new growth so the more you cut the better they flower and they won't get too woody if you cut them hard now. Don't trim early flowering shrubs like Lilac, Forsythia, Viburnum, ect. If you cut them now you are cutting flowers off. Trim them when they finish flowering.

Questions? Need more info? Drop me a line and I can stop by.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Could Be Snowing

There is some good that comes with this cruddy weather. It's not a foot of snow and the rain actually melts the frost that's in the ground. If it were dry out the frost would have an insulating layer of dry ground to keep it from melting. Why is that important? Bulbs are pushing out, the Maples are starting to push out small red flowers. My bulbs are starting to poke up.

Hang in there. I'm busy designing, the season is moving closer and in a couple of weeks we'll be planting.

Now is a great time to prune too.

Ready? If not get in touch with me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This Is Spring

And just like that the mood has changed. Can you feel it? From here on out snow is a temporary inconvenience. I have vowed to not shovel snow anymore this year. I'm on the road almost everyday now getting people ready for spring by completing plans and going over pruning techniques.

Now is the time.

In about 5 weeks we start hardscapes and a week or so later plants will start going out with the delivery trucks.

Are you ready?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Setting The Stage For Spring by Tim Flood

This is an article written by Tim Flood our plant guy at the nursery. Lots of great info.

Although it may seem like winter at the beginning of the month, by the end of this month, you could be planting! It’s almost impossible to give you any absolute dates or schedules because of the changeable weather that happens during the month of March, but here are some things to keep you busy this month:
Planning your new landscape, existing landscape re-do, or addition of an outdoor room or water feature, a must! Call me so we can get things started.
Pruning of some shade trees can be done now, as long as you are able to see the structure of the plants, as they are still dormant. Oak trees can be pruned only until the end of March, then stop pruning Oaks after that. (Birch, Maple, and Walnut trees should NOT be pruned in March or even April, --you should wait until May to prune them. Pruning of fruit trees and grapes should be done now before new growth begins.
Pruning of some shrubs can be done now too. McKay Nursery has prepared an excellent DVD showing how and what to prune when. Call and get your copy today! Or Buy ONLINE! It will show you the different pruning methods, including renewal pruning (where you remove the largest, oldest stems of a shrub like a Viburnum or Dogwood down the ground, and allow the new young stems to sprout from the base, and let the plant take on its most natural form). Remember that some plants should not be pruned until AFTER they flower (like Lilacs, Forsythia and Mockorange). I can also stop by and go through it with you.
Dormant oils sprays can be applied just before buds begin to open to control insect pests that overwinter on fruit trees and other plants. Be sure to spray dormant oils when the temperatures are above 40 degrees, and follow label directions carefully. We sell Gordon's Dormant Spray.
A great time to apply soil sulphur to the root zones of plants that require a lower soil pH like Rhodendrons, Clethra, Fothergilla, and macrophylla Hydrangeas (like Endless Summer). March is not typically a good month to fertilize just yet, April will be better. Purchase yours today at our store!
Later in the month, as the temperatures warm, you may be able to pull some of the mulch away from your roses. Be sure to wait to prune roses until they just start to grow, which may not be until early April. Weather will be the deciding factor as to when you can prune them. Be patient and don’t rush it.
Ornamental grasses (and the perennials that remained up over the winter months) should be trimmed back to just a few inches very late in the month – just before they would start to grow. Cool season grasses will begin growing first, and the warm season grasses may not start to grow until late May or even early June, so be patient (especially with the warm season grasses). Purchase professional shears from our fine selection.
Be careful about working up the soil in your gardens when they are too wet, as you can damage the soil structure for the rest of the season, but as soon as the soil has dried out enough – you can start to plant cool season flowers (pansies and violas), and vegetables (lettuces and cabbage family plants).
The official color of the year is HOPE. Pantone (Pantone 14-0845) calls it Mimosa Yellow, but whatever you call it, yellow is the color of hope, warmth, positive energy and radiant optimism. Be sure and include Hope into your new landscape.
Check your landscape for rodent or rabbit damage. Any stems that have had the bark eaten off all around the stems will kill that stem above the damage done. You can trim those stems out and most plants will sprout from beneath where the damage was done. If the bark was eaten all around the base of a tree, that tree will not survive. If the rabbits or deer shortened up your Spiraea plants, it just leaves less for you to prune.

Friday, February 27, 2009

In Like A Lion

Finally March is here. OK it's a couple of days yet but I can't wait.

I have my March computer wallpaper calendar available. If you want one drop me a line.

Stop by and see me at the Waukesha Home Show. Saturday 1-6 and Sunday 1-4

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thunderstorms Today!!!!!

The weather is very changable. Spring IS on the way. Thunderstorms, snow, wind, rain, fog. Mother Nature is getting rid of the snow and pushing winter out for good.

Come see me at the Waukesha Home, Garden and Landscape Show this weekend.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Waukesha Home Garden and Landscape Show

Spring is almost here.

I'll be at the Waukesha Home Garden and Landscape show this weekend. It's at the Waukesha Expo Center, 1000 Northview Ave. Come down and say hi. I'll be there on Saturday from 1 to 6 and Sunday 1 to 4. Mention this site and I'll buy you a cup of coffee.

Spring is almost here. Let's get started on those plans.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What the.....?

OK so the weatherman got it right this time. He can't change the calendar though. I was out meeting with other people who are also anxiously awaiting the popping of buds and bright green sprouts. Hang in there. Spring planting will be here soon. For now though this is what we have to look at.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How 'bout That Weather

Well what do you want for mid February? We dodged a big one and now are getting a little snow and cold wind. Oh well. That's Wisconsin. I did see a Robin yesterday though and in case you haven't noticed it's light a bit longer.

I have been busy meeting with customers, old and new, and setting up schedules for construction and plant deliveries. Believe it or not it's only about 7 weeks away.

Don't wait till the last minute to get on a schedule.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Wallpaper Calendar

Here is the wallpaper calendar for February. I know the month is half over....I'm just getting up to speed. If you would like one at no charge drop me an e-mail and I'll send one to you. There will be a new one every month.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coming Soon

Coming soon! I'm designing monthly computer wallpaper calendars. Each month will have a seasonal photo with a calendar for that month on it. The perfect addition to your computer screen. Watch for it. Here is a sample.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If You Aren't Feeling It....

This couldn't come at a better time. I know I needed a boost and a sign that spring IS coming.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

At Last!

It's early Saturday morning and I opened a window to let some fresh air in. It's gonna be a busy day meeting with people ready to shake off winter and get plans prepared for April. Will you be ready? Plan ahead and save valuable time and planting season.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

How Much Longer?

This morning when I let the dog out I heard birds singing. They seemed happy that the air was a little warmer and some of the snow was melting. I just felt like spring. I know it's still a few weeks till we start to see buds swelling but I for one am about done with winter. Last month was one of the coldest on record. The heavy snows, the cold winds..... enough already. If you look at the calendar the end IS in fact near. Now is the time to start planning your gardens and getting on schedules. History shows that once things start popping and the trucks start rolling time flys and before you know it summer is here. Plan early, plant early and enjoy the summer flowers.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Check For Rabbit Damage

With the deep snow and cold temps the rabbits and mice are starting to feed on some landscape plants. It's a good time to go out and have a look around. Pay extra attention to burning bushes and young trees. Keep your eyes open for tracks and droppings as a clue and check the base of the plants for signs that they are eating the bark. One thing you can do to prevent damage or limit future feeding is to wrap the trunk with aluminum foil until the snow recedes and gives them something else to feed on.

The snow is good and bad. It insulates the ground and keeps your plants safe from the cold temperatures we have been experiencing. The bad part is that there are also voles who live under the snow safe from owls and hawks feeding on the lawn. We'll deal with that later.

Don't worry too much about roses. The tops will die back and those will be pruned off later.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thought For The Day

I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark would burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled out by dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.

Robert Frost

Friday, January 23, 2009

News Release

Waterloo, WI-McKay Nursery Company recently recognized Jerry Cahak of Wauwatosa, WI at a special profit sharing weekend at The Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells, WI.

According to McKay Vice President Tom Bergan, "Jerry is distinguished for his exceptional sales by being one of our top 10 sales representatives this year." In addition to this formal recognition he was also recognized as having achieved nursery stock sales of greater than 3 million dollars during his career with McKay. Cahak has been representing McKay Nursery since 1985.

McKay Nursery Company, a Waterloo, Wisconsin based firm since 1897, markets high-quality, northern-grown plant material and provides comprehensive landscape design assistance to clients throughout the upper Midwest.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Warming Up

With the warm up over the next few days there are things you can do in the yard.....other than clean up dog mess. It seems I missed a few before the last snow. It's not a bad time to prune a large shrub or two. Some of the bigger woody plants like Viburnum and Lilac can be thinned out. The best way to encourage new growth from the base is to cut the largest branches off at ground level. If the snow is too deep yet wait till you can get to the ground with the saw or pruners. Cutting large branches off higher just creates those nice leg scratchers and eye pokers we run into when cutting the grass.

It's also a good time to thin and shape over grown flowering crabs and other medium sized trees. Large trees may need a professional to get up there to safely remove oversized or diseased limbs. Always be safe. It's better than being laid up for a while healing up after a fall.

I am out and about all the time now so if you have any questions or want me to stop by and have a look at anything give me a shout.

Believe it or not in 12 weeks we start plant deliveries and construction starts before that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Now Is The Time

It's mid-January so what's there to think about regarding landscaping you may ask. Now is the time to plan ahead. As you may or may not remember spring is a hectic, rush rush time when it comes to all contractors. Planning ahead saves you from a lot of the headaches but having a game plan and getting on the schedule early. Whether you are starting from bare ground or just adding to an existing plan it's not too early.

Graders and concrete contractors are already looking at schedules. We at McKay Nursery are gearing up for the spring season and looking at installation and delivery schedules. There is more time to look at ideas and finalize plans. Planning ahead saves you time and money.

It's also a good time to start thinking about pruning larger trees and shrubs. It's easy to see the structure of the plant with the leaves gone and with the plants being dormant it minimizes stress.

Give me a call or e-mail me to set up a short, no obligation meeting.