Monday, May 18, 2009

Lots To Do

We are in full spring in case you haven't noticed. I've been busy and not keeping up here. There is lots to do in your yard....besides cutting the grass.

All of your perennials should be up and growing. Some more than others. You should have cut off all of the old growth from last year to make room for the new stuff.

Roses should be showing new growth. Cut off all of the old stuff that isn't sprouting and died back over winter.

Mugo Pines are starting to candle. (that's the new growth) Now is a good time to prune the candles to control the amount of new growth. Take a good look at them.... a real close look. I saw my first little worms starting to eat away at them. They are small grey and black guys that need to be sprayed with insecticide.

Fluff up your mulch. Don't add more unless you are too thin in areas. Most of you can just take a rake and fluff it up to renew the color and make it last longer. It also helps keep some of the weeds from getting a foot hold.

Great time to plant. If you need help selecting plants or coming up with a great plan let me know.

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