Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time To Prune

I'm seeing signs of spring everywhere. The Maples are breaking bud, the Robins are singing and the bulbs are popping in warmer areas. It's cold but that's not going to last long.

This weekend get out and start cleaning up the yard and getting ready. Get the pruners out and cut back any perennials you left up over winter like Sedum. Cut ornamental grasses down to as low as you can. Clean up the dead growth from last year on Hosta, Daylily, Iris and anything else you were too lazy to cut down in October when you should have. Cut summer flowering Spirea and Potentilla down to about 6 inches in height. Yes 6 inches. Those plants flower on new growth so the more you cut the better they flower and they won't get too woody if you cut them hard now. Don't trim early flowering shrubs like Lilac, Forsythia, Viburnum, ect. If you cut them now you are cutting flowers off. Trim them when they finish flowering.

Questions? Need more info? Drop me a line and I can stop by.

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